Custom Curly Hair Sculpting Process

If you cannot find the hairpiece you are after for your custom minifigure then create your own. This fantastic guide by tomleech goes into great detail and is definitely worth a read:

I sculpt in kneadatite and I like to get a good smooth coverage (without fingerprints) the right shape before I start adding detail. I find oil helps with this (olive oil, vegetable oil etc.)

I also have a few different tools:

The metal one I use for general shaping and cutting, the ‘angle chisel’ for doing sharp lines in hair (joker, two face, my own fig etc.) and the ‘taper point’ I use to poke the hair to get the dimples where a curl is.

This is pretty much how I do it, dimpling and adding depressions to join the dimples together, looking for partings/higher and lower areas etc.

I also created a tool from taking the impression of the back of this hair which I press all over the smooth hair to give me some wavy impressions to start with, although this pretty much just gives a bit of texture rather than making curly hair, as you imagine it should do (possibly because it’s such a small amount to work from and it repeats too quickly).