
Custom Minifig is an online site and community dedicated to LEGO Minifig customization, and has been created as a fan site and a catalogue of the best and most innovative custom minifig designs based on the original LEGO Minifigure.

Whilst our site isn’t associated or endorsed with LEGO, we’d still like to stress our positive attitude to keeping this site acceptable to fans of all ages.

Minifigure customization is an art, and whilst they can be as simple as mixing and matching LEGO body pieces, they can also be as complex as creating entirely new minifigs not necessarily using official pieces.

We intend to showcase the best ones from top hardcore artists to child enthusiasts, as well as meet and interview the people behind some of these amazing creations and videos.

With literally hundreds of Official Minifigures, Custom Design Minifigures, Weapons, Parts, Headgear, Bodywear, and Accessories. We hope to review as many as possible from top names such as Brickarms, SI-DAN, and BrickWarriors.

Join our Facebook page where you can upload your favourite custom minifig photos, and discuss or ask questions to other minifig fans.

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