Jarael Knights of the Old Republic Custom Minifigure

Jarael Knights of the Old Republic Custom Minifigure
Photo courtesy of Xero_Fett

Jarael was a fierce and hot-tempered Arkanian from Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, and passionately devoted to the older man she only knew as Camper. Despite Jarael’s fierce temper, a softer side of her emerged upon traveling with Zayne Carrick and help clear his name.

This Jarael custom minifigure looks excellent and features a painted white hair piece with a flip-flop metallic blue clear coat.

The design is not printed but uses Fineclonier decals however the overall minifigure looks great and the gold bits really stand-out. The face is also nicely done.

Overall this minifigure would make a great addition to your Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic minifigure collection!