G-Bricks have just releases a new collection of casts which are available to buy through his Flickr page:
Top left: is a new molle vest sculpt. This has intentionally been left very plain (no hoods or groin plates etc) but it does come with a really nice removable shemagh, which allows a standard head piece to slot right down flush with the top of the torso, instead of pushing the head piece up.
Top middle is a recast of his GPNVG’s.
Top right are 2 new sets of arm and glove combo’s: left is t-shirt and elbow pads and right is long sleeve generic military shirt.
Left middle: is a recast of his older Spec Ops headpiece. This has be reworked a little, so that the helmet comes down a little further at the back and there is also a counter weight at the back.
Centre: Tactical Mando set. As mentioned this is available as a set and this also features a knife sculpt which didn’t feature in the original sculpt that I uploaded a while back.
Middle right: recast of his ACR rifle.
Bottom left: Military leg assembly.
Bottom middle: Sunglasses. These can be used for marksman glasses and look great paired with an Ops Core helmet, or baseball cap etc.
Bottom right: Glove sculpts.

The top row are all new sculpts and consist of:
-Twin Vector mag pouches
-Medic pouch
-x2 LMG pouches
-Belt bag/fanny pack/bumbag or whatever else it’s called where you’re from ; D
-Miscellaneous storage pouch
-Triple AR mag pouches
The second row are recasts of the better pouches from my previous pouch set.
At the bottom there is a Baseball cap with headset sculpt, which also has a hairline at the back, which can be easily removed with a blade if need be.
The last piece is a redesign of his Ops Core Base version helmet. It just has a better shape with a thicker front wall, the bungees and rails are more detailed and just look better.