In a far-off universe the planet Devmitchjo is host to a series of friendly, spectator games called Diadome Combat. Creatures from all DNA fibers enter these competitions for a chance at fame and fortune. The melee games consist of either 1v1 or team skirmish where contenders apply protective vests & wield non-lethal arms in an attempt to score points by striking contact points located at strategic positions on the armor.
The Diadome Combat 2-Pack contains two separate Character Packs: Champion vs. Challenger. Stage your own battle or customize your own minifigure using the colourful weaponry.
Diadome Champion
– ShockTrooper Helmet (Black w/ Lime Visor)
– ShockTrooper Armor (Black w/ Lime Green Crosshairs)
– Utility Belt
– Laser Sword (Lime Green)
– Pulse Ray (White)
– Ninjato (Lime Green)
– Fighting Claw (Lime Green)
– Kunai (Lime Green)
– Throwing Star (Lime Green)
Diadome Challenger
– ShockTrooper Helmet (Black w/ Med Orange Visor)
– ShockTrooper Armor (Black w/ Med Orange Crosshairs)
– Utility Belt
– Laser Sword (Medium Orange)
– Pulse Ray (White)
– Ninjato (Medium Orange)
– Fighting Claw (Medium Orange)
– Kunai (Medium Orange)
– Throwing Star (Medium Orange)
These Diadome Combat Packs will be available online soon from your official Brickforge reseller.